Flying Insect Control

Misting - Space Spraying

Misting - Space Spraying

Flying Insect Control : This treatment uses an electrically operated misting machine that is designed to produce a mist. The diluted pesticide ejected from the machine is so fine that it can attach to an insect body even during the course of the flight.

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Installation of Fly Trap

Fly sticky roll and fly bag are two types of non-electrically powered fly traps. Both are non-toxic and proven effective against various species of flies. The sticky roll simply catches flies through its adhesive part. Once entrapped, the flies discharge a stress signal which allures other flies. On the other hand, the fly bag works by releasing an attractant that entices the flies to enter the bag.
The lid has been modified to prevent flies from going out once they are confined inside.

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Installation of Fly Trap
Installation of Insect Light Trap

Installation of Insect Light Trap

ILT or Insect Light Trap installation is a non-hazardous method that provides long-term control of flying insect pests. It eradicates pests by attracting them through a UVA light emitted by the safety-coated light tube. Pests could either be electrified or caught on the glue board depending on the type of ILT. This is a useful device for identifying the pests present within the establishment.

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